2024 - 2025 Academic Year

Attention students,

Here is Spring 2025 Academic Calendar.

Dates and activities are subject to change.



Attention students,

Here is your Fall 2024 Final Examination Schedule.


Attention Students,

Here is your Fall 2024 Academic Calendar.





The coronavirus that is spreading globally throughout the world is actually a family of viruses.  The name comes from the shape of the virus, which has little spikes coming out of its edges, like a sun’s corona. But this new strain, commonly referred to as the novel coronavirus, is one that hasn’t been recognized before.  Health officials believe that the virus likely started in animals before it was spread to humans.  Its symptoms are similar to the flu. A minor case would leave someone with sneezing, coughing, fever and aches. More extreme cases are similar to pneumonia and could be fatal.

While the number of national coronavirus (COVID-19) cases continues to rise, the safety of the Texas College family is our primary concern.  Proactive steps should be taken by all of us to prevent the spread of contagious diseases by practicing personal health and hygiene each day.  We urge faculty, staff, and students who have plans to travel either internationally or to areas already affected in the U.S. to reconsider their travel and to share your travel plans with your Vice President, Division Chair, or Supervisor.

Effective immediately, international travel will require you to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to returning to work or school; travel to affected areas in the United States, may require you to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to returning to work or school. 

Following federal guidelines and for the well-being of our faculty, staff and students, effective immediately:

There will be no college meetings of groups of 10 or more - on campus or off campus.

All college travel is cancelled; personal discretionary travel is discouraged and if taken will result in a 14-day self-quarantine period.

Outside visitors to the campus are barred from admittance, unless prior approval is granted from administration; maintenance and construction personnel will be allowed.

The only students allowed entrance are those who did not leave the dorms for Spring Break.  For more information about the coronavirus (COVID-19), please click on the links below.


Texas Department of State Health

World Health Organization (WHO)

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Whitehouse Announcements